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Tothal Systems

It's just a walk in the park! A simple TRICK to get right

Alex Toth

Can't Talk About Nothing:

How to have something to say.

You probably think doing Engineering is difficult and it's difficult to start. And even if you don't? Here is how to make it clearer and more structured. And be seen like an expert looking at the Big-Picture beyond just implementation.

But first let me tell You what happened.

I went to the park today to write this email. I got a coffee and found a bench to sit on. The Sun just came out again. September autumn weather is here.

See ...

Sometimes I need to get out of the house. To change scenery. That helps me think. And doing that in nature with pleasant weather

is . just . PERFECT !

So "I'm ready" - I thought

But then? ...

Then nothing. Zilch. Nada.

I found I just didn't know what to write about because there is so much I want to share with You. It's getting me blocked. So I wrote this.

It's easier when I'm getting prompted with real questions. Real problems. From real people. Like question from my mentees. Or people searching for their direction on Reddit. That always starts the flood of relevant information. And the feedback I get is that's useful.

But I digress.

See ...

You can't just talk to people when you have nothing to say.

Nor will they listen to you. And whatever you say will not be useful.

You need to address their interests. Solve their problems.

And sometimes the real problem is not even what they say it is. It might be hidden. And they might not even be aware.

They think they know. But they don't.

You need to gently look for it when they are asking for help. And ask probing questions. Help them uncover their real pain together with you.

That's what you must address and solve! That's what will make them love what you say.

But be careful to reflect back to them what you think you found. Tell them in a different way. Reword it and ask if you understood correctly. Is that what they feel?

And that’s exactly what you have to do when you work in Systems Engineering. You can't just start developing a product before you define what it is and what it needs to achieve.

You need "prompts" from stakeholders and business to ensure that what you built solves a real problem and can be sold. Else you just spend money and get something of no use!

Like saying thing that no one is interested in. You need to find the real need and validate your proposed solution before building.

Let me explain ...

The real people you are talking to are your Customer. And other Stakeholders.

And their real problems are the Stakeholder Needs. Which are not always obvious. And sometimes hidden.

You need to work with them and help them uncover and articulate these. This activity is called Needs Elicitation.

Reflecting back and asking to confirm your understanding is Needs/Concept Validation.

It's all simple. Really.

You think you can't do it? YES you can. You just need to learn how. And maybe a bit of guidance. Doing it already? Let me know your thoughts.

Do you know how to define your system? Your project? Let me help you!

Get in touch.


Systems Magician

Tothal Systems

Insights from a career in Systems Engineering. Reflections on concepts and approaches translated into down to earth language that you can apply at work and in life. No ads. No listicles. No shitGPT. Unsubscribe any time.

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