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Tothal Systems

You know what a System sounds like? An overwhelming boom

Alex Toth

I Can't Work in Quiet

We are building a self driving Car. Kind of ..

And you CAN learn to do the same too. Well, maybe you want to build a rocket instead.

Don't believe me? I'll tell you how.

Read on ...

I arrived at the office bright and early ready to dive into the day's work. But as I entered the building an eerie silence greeted me.

I entered the office. The chairs and desks were neatly arranged but unused. An unsettling stillness hung in the air broken only by the soft hum of the computers.


I called out, my voice echoing through the vacant space. No response.

A growing sense of unease crept up my spine. Where was everyone? Has there been some kind of emergency evacuation? Am I in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or was this all just an elaborate prank?

I sank into a chair staring at the blank computer screen. The deafening silence was unnerving - I was so used to the constant chatter, the ringing phones, the background noise that filled the office.

Trying to recall what I wanted to do today. What needs getting done again? ..

Ah, I needed to send some emails and do some planning. Then writing some requirements for the Car.

That's okay if no one is here. I can get those things done. No one to interrupt me, no?

But ...

It started to get difficult to work because I was alone and I'm used to the buzz of people around. I needed effort and some will to push through with it.

I just couldn't focus and nothing was coming together. Tried emails. Tried requirements. The letters were just falling apart!

The eerie quiet was suffocating weighing heavily on my senses.

Then people started to arrive.

"Good!" I thought.

Even when they just tended to their own business I could do my work much easier. I knew they were there.

I knew I was doing this work for them. And even if it seems they are just doing something else they need my work. And I need theirs.

It's like doing Systems Engineering. You cannot work by yourself. You need to be in the midst of all the disciplines. That's how you ensure all their work is fitting together. Their outputs seamlessly integrate into a whole.

A System as a Whole.

This line of work is not for those who prefer to avoid people. Communication is key!

To help people help you to help the business. By building the right product in the right way.

It's a team effort. And the Systems Engineer is the Conductor who is able to harmonise all instruments in an orchestra. He waves his baton with a big smile on his face. Talks to everyone and listens. Like listening to the overwhelming sound of the combined string and brass section.

That's what a System as a Whole sounds like!

And the Car?

It's coming together nicely. It's awesome to see what you can achieve when applying these simple principles correctly.


Systems Magician

Tothal Systems

Insights from a career in Systems Engineering. Reflections on concepts and approaches translated into down to earth language that you can apply at work and in life. No ads. No listicles. No shitGPT. Unsubscribe any time.

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