
Tothal Systems

Insights from a career in Systems Engineering. Reflections on concepts and approaches translated into down to earth language that you can apply at work and in life. No ads. No listicles. No shitGPT. Unsubscribe any time.

Intro - A little bit about me

Alex Toth Hello You: My Story and What Kind of Help YOU may Expect from Me ↓ This may sound like an interview question (and answer), but people are legit to ask "What's the deal with you? Why should I follow?". Here's my Story. And it can be yours too: From Test Engineer to Systems Engineering Pioneer ... As I sat at my desk, staring at the computer screen, I couldn't help but reflect on the winding path that had led me here. Fresh out of university, I had started my career as a Systems Test...
Validating system needs in the park

It's just a walk in the park! A simple TRICK to get right

Alex Toth Can't Talk About Nothing: How to have something to say. ↓ You probably think doing Engineering is difficult and it's difficult to start. And even if you don't? Here is how to make it clearer and more structured. And be seen like an expert looking at the Big-Picture beyond just implementation. But first let me tell You what happened. I went to the park today to write this email. I got a coffee and found a bench to sit on. The Sun just came out again. September autumn weather is here....

You know what a System sounds like? An overwhelming boom

Alex Toth I Can't Work in Quiet ↓ We are building a self driving Car. Kind of .. And you CAN learn to do the same too. Well, maybe you want to build a rocket instead. Don't believe me? I'll tell you how. Read on ... I arrived at the office bright and early ready to dive into the day's work. But as I entered the building an eerie silence greeted me. I entered the office. The chairs and desks were neatly arranged but unused. An unsettling stillness hung in the air broken only by the soft hum of...

Intro Course Intro

Alex Toth Intro Course Intro: Could you use a straightforward introduction to Systems Engineering? ↓ Hi, Are you curious about how complex things are built, from self-driving cars to space rockets? Do you enjoy puzzles and finding solutions to intricate problems? If so, then Systems Engineering (SE) might be the perfect path for you! I was busy last week, but I took some time to reflect on what an introduction to SE might look like. I came up with the below. What do you think? Read on ......
Systems Engineering a tree house

SE for a 5th grader

Alex Toth SE for a 5th grader ↓ Do you really want to know what Systems Engineering is in the SIMPLEST terms possible? Seems like I finally found it! ⤵️ But first compare to this: "Systems engineering is a multidisciplinary approach to designing and managing complex systems throughout their life cycles. It involves integrating various components, processes, and stakeholders to create efficient and effective solutions for real-world problems." What do you think? Dry, right? Let's make it...

I Spoke Systems Engineering at McDonald's

Alex Toth I Spoke Systems Engineering at McDonald's ↓ Whenever you speak, people hear you speaking in their native language. Most people are surprised and delighted. The cashier at McDonald's you've just talked to is horrified. "Nobody's spoken that language in thousands of years." Turns out it's the language of Systems Engineering. Those who get it, get it. And can be intimidating to others. Not to worry though, the cashier got it at the end. They were more eager to learn more. The way that...

Insights from a career in Systems Engineering. Reflections on concepts and approaches translated into down to earth language that you can apply at work and in life. No ads. No listicles. No shitGPT. Unsubscribe any time.